What's On


Journalism, Media and Social Media

Jan 2020
Monday 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM

The event is finished.

A Lebanese journalist, art critic and musician with a Ph.D. in Media and Communication from the French University of Grenoble. A member of the editors and media unions, he started his media career in Al-Mawkif magazine in 1978 and worked for several years as an art editor in the Lebanese magazine Alwan before becoming editor-in-chief of the Lebanese magazine “Al-Sada” from 1990 to 2001. Since 2003, he worked with Orbit satellite network as a consultant on advertising and in programme creation.

From the idea of a house that opens its door to the cultures and sciences of the peoples, to the house whose owner used to write and gather what happens in the place and outside it … the house of Abdullah Al Zayed was the first to found journalism in Bahrain with a modern press and library. He was also the first to open a cinema. He was the only editor who worked passionately to publish the weekly Bahrain Newspaper, and even encouraged aspirants to write about literature and culture.

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