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Poetry Recital

01 Apr 2023, 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Apr 2023
May 2023
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

The event is finished.

Shawqi Bzeih is a contemporary Lebanese poet born in southern Lebanon. He has published dozens of books in poetry and prose, as well as critical, literary, cultural, and intellectual articles. His poems are in the Lebanese colloquial and classical Arabic. He won the Okaz Poet Prize in 2010 and the Al Owais Cultural Prize in 2015. He also won the Palestine Medal in 2017 and Distinguished Honor award in the Mahmoud Darwish Prize for Culture and Creativity in 2020. He previously worked in the fields of teaching and media, including newspapers, government and private radio stations, and television programs.

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When his soul left his body and this world, he left a house for poetry, a place for his things, and walls where the poetry he loved would remain. The Bahraini poet Ibrahim Al Arrayed, and all those who (followed) him in his literary journey and translated works, were retained by the Sheikh Ebrahim bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Centre for Culture and Research in his city which he belonged, Manama. For it was the house of fame, as the first among the homes of cultural centers outside the city of Muharraq.

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